Greensborough Patriot

October 23, 1862

Page 2


Tribute of Respect

            At a meeting of the members of the Bar held in the Town of Lexington, during the session of the Superior Court of the county of Davidson, the following proceedings had in relation to the death of the lamented Captain Jacob C. Hedgecock, late a member of the Bar of this place.

            The meeting having been called to order by B. A. Kittrell, Esqr., and its object announced by him, Hon. John A. Gilmer was chosen chairman and F. E. Shober, Esqr., secretary.

            William J. Long, Esqr., then moved that a committee be appointed by the chair to propose suitable resolutions for the consideration of the meeting as a tribute to the memory of our departed brother, when the following gentlemen were appointed: Messrs. William J. Long, James M. Leach, and B. A. Kittrell.  After a brief absence the committee presented the following resolutions.

            Resolved, That we have heard with painful regret of the death of our friend and brother Captain Jacob C. Hedgecock who nobly fell on the 25th day of May 1862, while leading his intrepid command in the battle of Winchester, Va.

            Resolved, That in this dispensation the Bar has lost a worthy and estimable member—the army a brave and excellent officer—the country a good and exemplary citizen.

            Resolved, That we tender to his bereaved family and friends our warmest sympathies, and commend to all his upright walk a bright and laudable example.

            Resolved, That we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

            The meeting was then addressed by William J. Long, Esqr., Hon. J. M. Leach, and B. A. Kittrell, Esqr., each of whom paid to the memory of the deceased the merited virtue of admiration and respect, whether as a brother in the profession, as a citizen in the social relations, or as a soldier in the service of his country.

            The resolutions were then adopted.

            On motion, the resolutions of this meeting were directed to be presented by its chairman to his Honor James W. Osborne with the request that they be ordered to be spread upon the Minutes of this Court.

            On motion, it was resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be sent to the family of the deceased—and also to the Greensborough Patriot, Raleigh Standard and People’s Press, with the request that they be published in the same.

            The meeting was then adjourned.

JOHN A. GILMER, Chairman

F. E. SHOBER, Secretary


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]